Thursday, January 7, 2010

These are a few of my favorite things...

So, over the last few years, I've come to realize that although my skin isn't too fond of it because it dries out, I love the winter and snow. It's always better in the winter because when it's super hot in the summer, you can only take off so much when you're hot. But when you're cold, you can always bundle up and have plenty of reasons to cuddle :)

Through my random internet searches, I found a few pics of winter wonderland that I am absolutely in love with...

Except for the fact that I would probably run out of food due to seclusion, I would LOVE to stay in a little hut like this one... Overlooking the water and snow all around. It would be awesome! =) Where does one find a heaven like this?

I shall pray in the little chapel at the base and then I will take those mountains in the back and go skiing, please! :)

And here is a picture I took in December 2008 on my way to cold, cold Pennsylvania to see my friend Sally. I had to pull over and take some pictures of the scenery. The way the trees were frozen with the sun glistening over them... it was perfectly peaceful winter wonderland :)

This is a picture of my sister's backyard... First snow in late November 2008. Just enough to cover a few spots :)

OK, back to work now :)

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