Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Twins' Castle Diaper Cake

Over the past few years, I've had two jobs... Both of which allowed me to meet some wonderful people... Some of which have touched my heart and became like family to me. I was lucky enough to meet a wonderful young lady, Jessica, who has a set of the most gorgeous twins who just turned one year old. Gabriella and Vincent are my little cuties =)  So since I am very much into making the diaper cakes, (and they can clearly use the diapers), I decided to build the babies a castle =) I must say, this was a completely new concept of building a cake since the ones I've done up to now have only been round in shape, but I have come to learn from making the other ones and this one (although it did take an extremely long time), was much easier to make when it came to the technical aspects of the cake.  The cake was made out of about 125 size 5 diapers and took a very long time to make, but I hope the twins' mommy and daddy loved it =)

So, without further adieu (and special thanks to my Mirna), here is my latest creation for baby Gabriella and Vincent =) and some after party pictures of the little cuties =)
Happy 1st Birthday =) 
May your smiles, giggles, first steps and all of the first achievements bring your proud parents all the joy in the world day after day.


Clearly, Gaby is mama's little girl, but Vincent is my little guy =) 
We had fun.  

1 comment:

  1. Hi- Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. Your diaper castle cakes turned out wonderful. Glad to see someone successfully made some. Thanks for visiting.
